Arts Impact WA

Throughout 2021-2023, the Fogarty Foundation was a founding champion of Arts Impact WA. We believe that we can build a more resilient and exciting WA through supporting a wide range of small and emerging arts organisations.

Arts Impact WA is a collective giving community that supports ambitious and unique arts projects that create positive community impact. Their mission is to make great art happen in WA, with objectives that include:

Arts Impact WA believe local artists and arts organisations can be empowered to express and celebrate our stories, helping to bind and strengthen our community and the cultural infrastructure of our state.

Arts Impact WA will have the ability to support individual artists as well as established organisations. Eligible organisations will have an annual turnover of less than $3million, targeting the collective impact at highly creative but limited capacity arts opportunities. All shortlisted arts applicants will receive strong public exposure and raised public profiles to help attract additional funding.

The Founder Champions are extremely important to the sustainability of this organisation. The Fogarty Foundation was one of the first potential backers that we spoke to, their early commitment of support for at least three years, confirmed our belief in this important initiative and emboldened us to approach many others. Furthermore, Annie’s generous offer of sharing her grant making expertise by becoming a member of our inaugural grant selection panel ensures our grant making will have even greater impact.

Paul Chamberlain Chair of Arts Impact WA

Donors of Arts Impact WA will experience the satisfaction of being involved in powerful, engaged cultural philanthropy, working with others and knowing that their contribution will form transformational grant funding opportunities for local arts and cultural activities, improving and strengthening the local community.

For more information, visit the Arts Impact WA website.

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Annual Report

Download the full report on the Foundations impact